I have decided to discuss and compare the US and the UK.
The United States and United Kingdom are both influenced with a multicultural population and have become pretty much multicultural societies. They're societies are influenced with a variety of cultures, religions, races and political views and values. Oblivious this would cause a great deal of both misunderstandings and disagreement.
In United Kingdom, or Britain you may say, the religious hate crimes have rose as much as 600% since the bomb attacks in 2005. And these crimes are mostly against Muslims.
Britain's policy of multiculturalism is as following: people of different cultures are allowed to settle without expecting them to integrate into society.
Could this be a problem? If people continuously immigration but do not integrate , what would happen to the society? In a society I think it is extremely important to have some mostly the same values and be able to understand and accept and speak the same language to make the society work and for people to be able to cooperate.
Historically the immigrants in Britain have come from Ireland, India, Pakistan and the Caribbean, but today the immigrants more often are younger and with more various backgrounds. Today immigration today is more often motivated by economic factors, while family was a bigger factor before. This makes people from more far off places and different places immigrate. When family was the factor, people immigrated because of solidarity with family.
Today Britain is one of the most culturally diverse societies in the world, sharing the statics with the US, a country mainly consisting of immigrants. There is immigrants from all over the world searching for a way to achieve the American dream. USA do not think of multiculturalism as a conflict maker, but as a source of strength and renewal. In America the immigrants who wants citizenship needs to study American history ect.

This is a difference between England and the US after my impression after reading about these two countries; In England making people integrate to the society is a problem while in the USA, if you want citizenship you're "forced" to integrate. Thought, in the US there is a problem with immigrants not assimilating, notably the Mexican-American. In many schools the "Pledge of Allegiance" is in control and some doesn't even fly the American flag. Also in America there are own societies containing of multicultural people, for example China Town and the Muslims that had their own little society like we read about in the book Kite Runner.
Also Hispanics can do business in Spanish, cote in Spanish and take driver license exam in Spanish. Also there are own schools for different multicultural groups.
The most common interracial categories in the US are white and black, white and Asian, white and American Indian or Alaska native and white and mainly Latinos. I think the racism is the US and Britain is very much at the same level.